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Superior Mold Services In the Boston Region

Home Blog Superior Mold Services In the Boston Region

A common misconception many homeowners have is that mold can only grow in the Spring or Summertime. Unfortunately, that is not true and mold grows year-round, especially in the wintertime. With Winter almost here, it is important to not let your guard down and remain vigilant for mold spots. When you spot mold, do not fear, MoldGuys Restoration is here.

What Makes Us The Best Mold Team In Boston Area?

We believe we are the best mold team in the Boston area for a variety of reasons. For starters, unlike most Mold companies in Massachusetts, we are willing to go all over the state. We service over 30 Massachusetts towns and cities, with a goal to expand on our portfolio. We love helping all the towns and cities we continuously help, and always look forward to working in new areas. Since mold is a year-wide problem, we stay open for the entire year. Not only are we available year-round, we offer 24/7 Emergency Services. If you deem a mold situation as an emergency and require immediate service, we are ready to help. 

What Do We Offer That Other Mold Companies Might Not?

All Mold Companies can help homeowners remove mold from their property but not all mold companies are the same. Not all mold companies accept insurance claims. We do. Not all mold companies offer free initial mold inspections. We do. Some Mold companies complete the job without assuring 100% customer satisfaction. We never do that. We will work with you start to finish and guarantee a job well done. Last but not least, some mold companies do not come highly experienced. At Mold Guys Restoration, dealing with Mold is not our first rodeo. We have been in the industry for many years and know how to restore your home. 

Professional Mold Services Located in East Bridgewater, MA: MoldGuys Restoration 

MoldGuys Restoration is located in East Bridgewater, MA and this gives us the ability to get to many Massachusetts towns and cities with ease. We have done jobs for numerous buildings throughout the years and we can help residential or commercial properties. Contact us today if you need mold assistance. 

Call Now:781-910-5029

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