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Preventing Mold in Your Attic

Home Tips and Tricks Preventing Mold in Your Attic

Unless you have a finished, functional attic, most people hardly ever venture up to this space in their home. You may go months at a time without visiting your attic, simply because you have no reason to. However, when you do finally make your way up the stairs to the dark, dingy place that is mostly used for storage, you may find an unpleasant surprise: Mold. With a wet, warm climate, your attic is an inviting place for mold to grow. It may not seem like a huge concern since you’re almost never up there, but don’t underestimate its ability to spread and damage some of your old treasured belongings that cannot be replaced. Taking action and doing routine inspections of your attic can prevent a mold problem from growing out of control.

Roof Issues

If you have a leaky roof, or have in the past, this is a common trigger for mold growth in the attic. Because it is not making an appearance or causing a problem anywhere else in your home, it could be months before a homeowner even notices the damage that has been done. To prevent mold from spreading all over your old pictures and valuables in the attic, perform regular inspection to detect roof leaks early, before it causes further damage.

Improper Ventilation

Although sealing off any vents during the winter to help lower your heating bill may seem like a good idea, you actually need sufficient ventilation to keep your attic cool in the winter time. Without ventilation, the warm air will get trapped in the attic with no place to escape. Because mold thrives in warm places, this is recipe for disaster. Check your soffits to make sure that they are not blocked with insulation, cutting off proper air ventilation.

Water Heaters and Furnaces

Many homes have their water heaters and furnaces installed in the attic. While this solution isn’t quite as simple as picking it up and moving it to a new location, you’ll want to have a professional look at it to make sure it is properly installed and there are no leaks. Routine inspections are a must if your water heaters and furnaces are in the attic, as any sort of moisture is mold’s best friend.

Ice Damming

If water is not being properly drained from your roof, it can freeze and leak into your home through the attic. Gutters should be cleaned at least twice per year to ensure they are working properly. Well-maintained gutters will prevent ice damming and the potential mold growth that could come as a result.

Contact Moldguys Restoration 

If you have come across the unfortunate sight of mold in your home, you’ll want to contact a professional immediately to address the situation. Contact the experts at Moldguys Restoration for quality service today!

Call Now:781-910-5029

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