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Is Mold in the Attic Dangerous?

Home Blog Is Mold in the Attic Dangerous?

Since the attic is so close to the elements, it can be a haven for critters, pests, and damp. But perhaps one of the most malicious of all attic invaders is the presence of mold. Mold growth can often be a sign of other problems and can be a significant issue for homeowners. Keep reading for everything you need to know about mold in the attic, why it’s dangerous, and what you should do about it. 

Why is There Mold in the Attic?

Mold grows anyplace with the right environment – damp, dark, and enclosed spaces are prime hiding spots. This makes the attic a ready target for mold looking to grow. One thing that can encourage mold growth in the attic specifically is the presence of any unwanted pests. Raccoons, squirrels, rats, and mice all leave feces and urine that promote mold growth, especially if they have been setting up camp for a while. 

Why Should I Care About Mold? 

Mold might not seem like that bad of an issue at first. After all, isn’t’ it just ugly? It can’t possibly e that big of a deal, right? Wrong! The presence of mold can cause some severe health problems for people and pets living in the home. If mold is in the house, most people will experience some kind of adverse effect, like itchy eyes, coughing, sneezing, or respiratory infection. For the estimated 10% of people with an allergy to mold, rashes and difficulty breathing are serious issues. 

Aside from the health effects, mold can also spread quickly and lead to more damage to the home. Mold spreads by releasing spores into the air. They’re tiny, so they can easily float through the air without being seen, only to take hold in other areas of the house. Kitchens and bathrooms – where moisture is more present – are ideal locations for mold growth outside of the attic.  

How Do I Know If Mold is in the Attic?

If you or a family member are experiencing an unexplained cough, itchy eyes, or allergy-like symptoms, you might want to check the attic for mold. Because symptoms can often be confused with the common cold, pay attention to how long they last, and if they let up. If they don’t, ti’s likely that there is some offending mold somewhere in the home. 

Additionally, mold has a distinctive musty smell. If you suspect mold in the home, take a tour of the house and make a note of any unusual odors, particularly around the ventilation system ducts. 

What Should I Do About Mold in the Attic? 

If you’ve discovered mold in the home, your best bet is contacting a professional mold removal service for assistance. Cleaning up mold requires the use of special protective gear and chemicals that can be dangerous if misused. A cleanup crew will have the experience to know how to best help your personal mold situation. 

Contact Moldguys Restoration

Have you found some unwanted mold growth in your attic or elsewhere in the home? Contact Moldguys Restoration for the best professional mold remediation services and get your attic back in good shape. Give us a call at 781-910-5029 to schedule a service as soon as possible. 

Call Now:781-910-5029

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