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Identifying Water Damage in the Basement

Home Tips and Tricks Identifying Water Damage in the Basement

Water damage in the basement can be devastating, as it can damage the foundation of the home and lead to costly repairs. Therefore, the sooner you find and identify any areas of water leakage in your basement, the better. Investigating the source of the leak and assessing the damage immediately can save you in the long run. If you have any of the following warning signs, it is important to call in a professional to address the issue.

Visible Signs

There are a few relatively obvious and visible signs of water damage that any average person will notice. If paint or wallpaper starts peeling off the basement walls, that is a big red flag that there is moisture in the walls. When moisture builds up in the cement, it can cause it to flake and break apart, which then causes the paint or wallpaper to flake off as well.

If you have exposed basement walls, you can look at the cement and see if there is a white powdery substance coating the cement. This is a clear sign of water damage; However high the substance is on the wall, is how high the water has reached.

If you have finished walls that are painted, another thing to look for is discoloration. If there are patches of discoloration on the wall, the ceiling or the floor that can be a sure sign that water is seeping in and causing that color change. If a sign has become apparent, that means the water damage needs to be evaluated and addressed right away.

Damp, Musty Odor

Many basements have a specific odor to them that comes from being underground. However, if your basement smells damp or musty, that could be a sign of mold. Mold gives off a very distinct odor, and mold grows in areas where moisture has built up and been unable to drain or evaporate away. If you have visible signs of mold, that is another sign of water damage. Mold is also something that can be dangerous to your health and requires help from a mold remediation specialist.


Many people assume some cracks are standard from the foundation settling, but large breaks or cracks near windows or doors can be a sign that water is getting in. If a crack is wider than a 16th of an inch that is a sign of a bigger problem and needs to be resolved before the crack gets any bigger. Cracks around windows or doors can be a sign that there isn’t a good seal and water is coming in.

Contact Moldguys Restoration 

Remember with any of these signs it is important to get a qualified professional to assess the damage and find the source of the water. If you find water damage in your basement in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Nantucket, and beyond, Moldguys Restoration is here to help! Fill out an online contact form or give us a call today at 781-910-5029! 

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