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How Should I Check My House For Mold?

Home Blog How Should I Check My House For Mold?

It is the middle of spring, and mold can be everywhere around your home. Mold is something no homeowner wants to deal with but is, unfortunately, unavoidable sometimes. The sooner mold is treated, the less likely it can spread and become a bigger issue. Below we will discuss five ways to check your home for mold this year. 

Check Areas Water Damage Can Be Present 

Water damage is a common instigator of mold growth. Mold thrives in affected areas where water damage is present. While water damage is usually easy to spot, there can be instances where hidden water damage is doing your home a disservice. Mold can grow from water damage in as little as a few hours, so being proactive will go a long way. Common areas where water damage can be hard to see are: 

  • Behind Drywall
  • Around the Windows
  • Underneath the Siding 

Do Not Ignore Unpleasant Smells

We all know an unpleasant odor when we smell it. If your home starts smelling unusual in certain spots, do not ignore the smell. A musty smell can indicate possible water damage and mold growing. 

Check Your Roofs Condition 

A roof in poor condition can lead to leaks in a home. Once a home experiences a roof leak, it might be only a matter of time before water damage occurs. While some roof leaks are out of a homeowner’s hand, homeowners have the ability to minimize the potential damage of a roof leak. 

Know Your Home’s Humidity Level 

A home’s humidity level is essential in regard to minimizing mold growth. If the humidity level is too high or too low, it could set up a situation for mold to thrive. A good way to manage your home’s humidity level is to use devices such as a hydrometer or humidifier. 

Use Your Eye  

If your eyes can see something is not right with an area of your home, take a deeper look. Mold is not obvious at first glance but noticed upon a further review. 

Mold Remediation Services in Bridgewater, MA 

Moldguys Restoration is the team you can trust when it comes to remediating mold on your property. If you need mold remediated or treated, just contact us


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