A kitchen is a place in your home for relaxation and comfort. The last thing you ever want to find in your kitchen is mold spores or growth. While you are more likely to find mold spots in your bathroom or basement, mold does not shy away from the kitchen either. Mold can impact your home’s air quality among other things. With all that being said, here are the best strategies you can implement to decrease the chances of mold appearing in your kitchen.
#1 Keep Your Kitchen Clean
This goes without saying. Most of you most likely already do everything you can to keep your kitchen clean, but if you do not fall into that category, it is time to do so. Keeping your kitchen clean will go a long way when it comes to preventing mold growth. Kitchens can get dirty in a hurry so always keep a sharp eye out and wipe down wet spots, and stains as you see them.
#2 Check For Leaks
Kitchens are rooms with numerous pipes. It does not hurt to regularly check your pipes and make sure there are no leakage points.
#3 Do Not Keep Rotten Food
This is common sense. Our eyes can tell us a lot. As soon as you see rotten or spoiled food in your kitchen toss it. Even food is not rotten or spoiled on the surface, if you suspect something is wrong with it, get rid of it.
#4 Wash Kitchen Items Carefully
Washing items is not a challenging task, but should not be done swiftly. Washing dishes cutting boards etc. should be done diligently and with the proper care. Fungi can grow on dirty kitchen items if you allow it to.
#5 Keep Carpet and Rugs Out of Your Kitchen
Carpet and rugs are meant for areas in a home not named the kitchen. Carpets and rugs can easily absorb what is produced in a kitchen. What carpets and rugs usually absorb can produce mold so it is best to keep carpet and rugs out of the kitchen space.
Professional Mold Remediation in Boston, MA: Moldguys Restoration
When you have mold in your kitchen or other areas of your home, leave it to our mold experts to take care of the issue for you. We are certified, experienced, and reliable. Contact us today!